Our team is made up of incredibly talented and passionate medical professionals who truly understand our customers' needs. They possess the enthusiasm, knowledge and skills necessary to provide effective and tailored solutions.
Lead Medical Consultant
HSE Offshore Medic and ex Royal Navy Medic.
Trauma, Mass Casualty and Shore to Ship medical specialist.
Medical Operations Manager
HCPC Paramedic.
Remote care, Search and Rescue, Shore to ship support.
Praxes Medical Group
Medical Director.
Suzanne oversees the delivery of the 24/7 Telemedicine services available to our clients via Praxes Medical Group.
GP with a background in yacht racing and cyclocross amongst other things.
Deb is really interested in chronic disease management and health screening.
HSE Offshore Medic and ex Royal Navy Medic.
STCW trainer, Environmental Health and Practice Management.
HCPC Paramedic and Offshore Medic
Experienced in frontline ambulance work and diversified into Superyachts. Special interest in maritime and humanitarian medicine.
Working in International sports and the military rehabilitation services. Ex Royal Navy medic.
Public Health specialist with an in-depth knowledge of disinfection science, infection prevention and control and outbreak management.
RGN and HSE Offshore Medic
She is particularly interested in Mental Health and preventative medicine.
RGN and HSE Offshore Medic.
John has the knack of really getting to grips with the crew that he works with and delivering an exceptional level of healthcare to them. He brings that knkowledge and expertise into the classroom for Red Square Medical.
HCPC Paramedic and ex Royal Marine with a special interest in Cold weather medicine, Altitude medicine and remote environments.
What we can guarantee if you chose to work with us