Symptoms include: nausea, vomiting, dehydration, headache, dizziness, muscle spasms, drowsiness, lethargy, excess saliva, sweating and burping.
So what causes this debilitating, incapacitating infliction for which there is no cure?
In simple terms, it’s what happens when your inner ear balance system reacts to the unfamiliar motion of being on water. It’s the same reaction that causes car, or any other kind of motion sickness. The movement of the vessel you’re on causes the fluid in your inner ear to slosh around and this stresses the part of your brain that handles balance. The signals the brain receives are telling it that the things you see, such as walls and furniture should be still. But, on a boat, everything is moving constantly, including you. The air, the sea and everything on the boat is moving. This confuses the brain and nausea sets in.
Battling through sea sickness can be helped by pharmaceuticals, psychology or nature. For the lucky ones, it will often disappear after a couple of days as your brain adjusts to the ever-moving environment and your ‘sea legs’ develop.
Our instructor Rachel and her rowing partner Lin, decided not to take any medication for their Atlantic row. Both suffered sea sickness in the first 36 hours with nausea and vomiting. They did find that lying down or rowing were fine, it was just anything in between that caused a problem! But it passed quickly and they were fine for the rest of the voyage. Interestingly, Rachel now suffers from mild land sickness and often feels dizzy and a little nauseous after even a short time on the water.
In addition to the inner ear, other factors that can contribute to sea sickness include blood flow, heart rhythm, hydration, sinuses and psychological factors such as excitement, nerves and fear.
Mind over matter can work for some. One sailing instructor is reported to tell students that if they hold a potato in their left hand they won’t get sea sick! Bizarrely it works for most and if you’ve ever had sea sickness, you’ll most likely give anything a try!
Some common triggers for sea sickness include:
Sea Sickness Remedies
Finally, if you are going to be sick, make sure you head to the down wind side!!!